Metin Kutusu: Prof. Dr. Hakan KÖÇKAR  
Nano-Manyetik Malzemeler Araştırma Grubu

Eserler Listesi Devamı

A52.     Muhitdin Ahmetoglu (Afrailov), Ali Kara, Nalan Tekin, Saadet Beyaz, Hakan Köçkar, “Electrical properties of Poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate-n-vinyl imidazole)/Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes/n-Si Schottky diodes formed by surface polymerization of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Thin Solid Films, 520, 2106-2109, (2012).


A53.     Ali Karpuz, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “Effect of film thickness on properties of electrodeposited Ni–Co films”, Applied Surface Science, 258, 5046– 5051 (2012).


A54.     Oznur Karaagac, Hakan Kockar, “Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Co-precipitated in Air Environment: Effect of [Fe+2]/[Fe+3] Ratio”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48,  4, 1532-1536, (2012).


A55. Oznur Karaagac, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper and Murside Safak, “Influence of Co:Cu ratio on properties of Co–Cu films deposited at different conditions”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ,324,  3834–3838, (2012).


A56.     Oznur Karaagac, Hakan Kockar, “Effect of Synthesis Parameters on the Properties of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25, 2777–2781, (2012).


A57.     Yuksel Köseoğlu, Figen Kurtuluş, Hakan Kockar, Halil Güler, Oznur Karaagac, Sinan Kazan, B. Aktaş, “Magnetic Characterizations of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25, 2783–2787, (2012).




B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan tam metin bildiriler :



B1.        R. Demirci, N. Tutkun, H. Kockar, “Position controller for PM DC linear motor”, International Conference on Electrical Machines, 2/3, 886-889, (1998).


B2.        N. Tutkun, H. Kockar and R. Demirci, “Investigation of iron loss under PWM voltage excitation in various size strip-wound toroidal cores” International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1102-1104, (2000).


B3.        N. Tutkun, H. Kockar, “Estimates of iron loss coefficients under PWM voltage excitation in various electrical steels”, International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1305-1307, (2000).


B4.        P. Williams, H. Kockar and T. Meydan, “Substrate Induced Magneto-Elastic Effects in Nickel-Iron Films”, Soft Magnetic Materials 16, 2, 725-729 (2003).



C. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler :



D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler :


D1.  H. Köçkar “Rotating cryostat (RC) ile manyetik malzeme üretimi”, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 13, 1, 435-440, (2001).



E. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunularak, programda yer alan : Özet metin olarak yayımlanan bildiriler


E1.  “The International Symposium on Non-Linear Relectromagnetic Systems”, ISEM, Cardiff, Wales, UK, (17-20 Eylül 1995).


H. Kockar, D. Atkinson, T. Meydan, B. Mile A.J. Moses, P. Silman “Production and characterisation of thin-films by a novel rotating cryostat technique”



E2.  “University of Wales Inter-Colegate Magnetics Seminars 1996”, Gregynog-Newtown, Powys, Wales, UK, (28-29 Mart 1996).


H. Kockar “Development of thin iron film production by a rotating cryostat technique”



E3.   “International Symposium on Non-Linear Elecromagnetic Systems”, ISEM Braunschwei, Conference Digest, TPB2-7, Braunschweig, Germany, (12-14 Mayıs 1997).


T. Meydan, H. Kockar “The influence of productin parameters in optimising magnetic materials”,



E4.  “University of Wales Inter-Colegate Magnetics Seminars”, Gregynog-Newtown, Powys, Wales, UK, (8-9 October 1997).


H. Kockar “Design considerations of magneto-optic loop plotter in obtaining hysteresis loops”



E5. 2ndEuropean Conference on Magnetic Sensors & Actuators”, EMSA 2000, Dresden, Germany, (19-21 July 2000).


T. Meydan, H. Kockar “In-plane anisotropy and stress detection on films Deposited Using a novel rotating cryostat (RC) technique”



E6. 1st Joint European Magnetic Symposia”, EMMA-MRM, Grenoble, France, (28 August-1 September 2001).


H. Kockar, “Characterisation of sputtered and laser ablated 3% silicon-iron”


H. Kockar, N. Tutkun “Comparasion of power loss in magnetic materials considering industrial application”


H. Kockar, N. Tutkun & R. Demirci “Factors affecting magnetic properties of evaporated films”



E7.  “15th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference”, SMM Bilbao, Spain, (5-7 September 2001).


H. Kockar and T. Meydan, “Magnetic Properties of DC Magnetron Sputtered and Evaporated Amorphous Films”


T. Meydan and H. Kockar, “Production Conditions Affecting the Magnetic Properties of Sputter and Laser Deposited Films”


T Meydan, H Kockar and P.I. Williams, “Magnetic Characterization of Silicon-Iron Magnetic Material Produced by a Novel Rotating Ccryostat”


E8.  “Second Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials”, MSM-01, Irbid, Jordan, (9-13 September 2001).


H. Kockar, “The relationship of control parameters and output functions in producing low coercivity iron films”


H. Kockar, “The correlation of deposition parameters with output functions of thin films”,


H. Kockar, “The rotation and clamping effect on the fabrication of films in terms of magnetic properties”



E9.  ”European Conference on Magnetic Sensors and Actuators”, EMSA 2002, Greece, (3-5 July 2002).


T. Meydan and H. Kockar, “The Influence of Production Conditions to Magnetic Properties of Sputtered and Laser Deposited Thin Films”



E10.16th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference”, SMM-16 Bilbao, Germany, (5-7 September 2003).


T. Meydan, H. Kockar and P.I. Williams, “Substrate Induced Magneto-Elastic Effects in Nickel-Iron Films”


E11. ”European Conference on Magnetic Sensors and Actuators”, EMSA 2004, Cardiff, UK (4-7 July 2004).


H. Kockar, M. Alper, H. Topcu, T. Meydan, “Growth and Characterisation of Electrodeposited NiFe Alloy Films”


H. Kockar, T. Meydan “Preparation and Characterisation of Films Evaporated by a Novel Vacuum Coating Plant (VCP)”


H. Kockar, H. Topcu, M. Alper, T. Meydan, “Factors Influencing Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Nickel-Iron Films”



E12. “2nd International Aegean Physical Chemistry Days”, Ayvalik, Türkiye, (7-10 October 2004).


M. Alper, H. Köçkar, M. Şafak, “Electrodeposition of Charactersitics of Nanostructured Ferromagnetic Materials”



E13.17th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference”, SMM-17 Bratislava, Slovakia, (7-9 September 2005).


Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Turgut Meydan, “Production and Characterisation of Nife Fılms Evaporated by a Novel Vacuum Coating Plant (VCP)”


Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Metehan Naz, Mehmet Uckun, “Magnetoresistance (MR) Characteristics of Electrodeposited Ni/Cu Multilayer Films


Mürsel Alper, Hakan Kockar, Oznur Arap, Nuri Nakiboglu, Turgut Meydan, “Influence of Deposition Potentials, Electrolyte pH and Film Thickness on Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Ni and Nicu Films”


Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Elif Gungor, Abdulcelil Eren, Turgut Meydan, “Magnetic and Magnetoresitance Properties of Fe and 3 % Sife Films in terms of Their Substrates and Concentrations”


Mürşide Şafak, Mürsel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Parameters Affecting Magnetotransport Properties of Electrodeposited Co and Co-Cu Films”


Yüksel Köseoğlu, Figen Kurtuluş, Hakan Kockar, Halil Güler, Fikret Yıldız, Bekir Aktaş, “Temperature Dependence of Magnetıc Propertıes for Co3O4 Nanopartıcles”


Mürsel Alper, Hakan Kockar, Öznur Arap, “Electrolyte pH Dependence of Structural and Magnetotransport Properties of Electrodeposited Ni and Ni-Cu Films”


Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Hilal Kuru, Turgut Meydan, “ Thickness Dependence of Anisotropy in NiFe Films Electrodeposited on Polycrystalline Cu Substrates”


E14.Turkish Physical Society 23rd International Physics Congress”, 2005 Dünya Fizik Yılı Mugla, Turkey, (13-16 September 2005).


H. Kuru, H. Köçkar, M. Alper, M. Şafak, E. Güngör, A. Karpuz, T. Şahin, Elektrodepozisyon Tekniği İle Büyütülen Ni-Fe İnce Filmlerin Manyetik Direnç Özelliğini Etkileyen Parametreler”


E. Güngör, M. Alper, H. Köçkar, A. Karpuz, T. Şahin, H. Kuru, M. Şafak, A. Eren, “Elektrodepozisyon Tekniği ile Büyütülen Ni-Co Alaşım Filmlerinin Anizotropik Magnetorezistans Özellikleri”


A.Karpuz, H. Köçkar, M. Alper, T. Şahin, H. Kuru, M. Şafak, E. Güngör, N. Nakiboğlu, “Fe-Cu Alaşım Filmlerinin Elektrodepozisyonu Ve Magnetorezistans Davranışı”


T. Şahin, M. Alper, H. Köçkar, H. Kuru, M. Şafak, E. Güngör, A. Karpuz, M. Uçkun, “Fe-Co Alaşım Filmlerin Elektrodeposizyonu Ve Magnetorezistansı”


M. Şafak, M. Alper, H. Köçkar, E. Güngör, A. Karpuz, T. Şahin, H. Kuru, “Depozisyon Parametrelerinin Co-Cu Filmlerinin Magnetorezistansı Üzerine Etkisi”



E15. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, NANO-TRII, Ankara, Turkey, (3-5 May 2006).


H. Kuru, H. Koçkar, M. Alper, “Influence of Deposition Potentials on Magnetic and Structural Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-Fe Alloy Films”


T. Şahin, H. Koçkar, M. Alper, E. Güngör, H. Kuru, “Film Thickness Affecting the Properties of Electrodeposited CoFe Alloy Films”


E. Güngör, M. Alper, H. Koçkar, “Magnetoresistance and Structural Properties in Electrodeposited NiCo Alloy Thin Films”


A.Karpuz, M. Alper, H. Koçkar, N. Nakipoğlu, “Effect of Deposition Potentials on Structural Properties of Electrodeposited Fe-Cu Thin Films”



E18. International Workshop on Nanaostructured Materials”, NANOMAT 2006, Antalya, Turkey, (21-23 June 2006).


M. Şafak, M. Alper, H. Kockar, “Growth and Characterisation of Electrodeposited Co/Cu superlattices”



E19.6th International Conference of the Balkan Physial Union”, Istanbul, Turkey (22-26 Ağustos 2006).


E. Gungor, H. Kockar, M. Alper and H. Kuru, “Electrolyte pH Dependence of Magnetoresistance Properties and Structural Characterisation of Electrodeposited NiCo Alloy Films” 6-P-072.


M. Bayırlı, H. Kockar, O Karaagac and M. Alper, “The Computation of the Critical Exponents and Topological Dimensions for the Ni-Cu alloy Patterns Using the Ising Ferromagnetic Simulation Mode” 6-P-079.


A. Karpuz, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Structural Charactersation of Electrodeposited Fe and Fe-Cu Thin Films” 6-P-082.


H. Kuru, H. Kockar, M. Alper, E. Gungor, “Electrolyte pH Dependence of Structural and Magnetotransport Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-Fe Films” 6-P-095.


M. Şafak, M. Alper and H. Koçkar, “Co/Cu Superlattices Electrodeposited on Cu Substrates” 6-P-137.


T. Sahin, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Effect of Electrolyte pH on Microstructure and Magnetoresistance of Electrodeposited Co Films” 6-P-138.


E20.International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism”, ICNM-2007, İstanbul, Turkey (25-29 June 2007).


Yüksel Köseoğlu, Figen Kurtuluş, Hakan Kockar, Halil Güler, Atilla Büyükkılıç, “Magnetic Properties of Black Cobalt Co3O4 Nanoparticles in terms of Temperature Dependence”, B-09.


E21. Turkish Physical Society 24th International Physics Congress”, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, Türkiye, (28-31 August 2007).


E. Gungor, M. Bayirli, H. Kockar, “Anizotropik NiCo Alaşım Filmlerde Yüzey Şekilleniminin Manyetik Özelliklere Katsayısının İncelenmesi”


E22.Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries”, CMPC-CB2008, Mugla, Turkey (26-28 May 2008).


A.Karpuz, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Electrochemical production of Fe-Cu films: Impact of deposition potential on microstructural and magnetic properties”, PD-11.


E. Gungor, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Electrodeposited Ni-Co alloy films: The role of electrolyte pH on microstructural and magnetic properties”, PB-26


S.Beyaz, F. Oze1, H. Kockar and T. Tanrisever, “A novel iron oleate precursors (IOP) method for the synthesis of superparamagnetic magnetite using thermal decomposition method”, PB-29.


H. Kuru, M. Alper and H. Koçkar,Characterization of electrodeposited Ni-Fe films in terms of bath pH”, PB-34.


O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “The role of cobalt content on the properties of electrodeposited CoCu films”, PB-56.


S.Beyaz, H. Kockar and T.Tanrisever, “The role of solution parameters and ions on superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic fluids”, PB-63.


M. Safak, M. Alper and H. Koçkar “Giant Magnetoresistance of Electrodeposited CoCu/Cu Multilayers”, OD-4.



E23. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2008, NANO-TRIV, İstanbul, Turkey, (9-13 Haziran 2008).


Seda Beyaz, Taner Tanrisever, Hakan Kockar, “A Novel Synthesis: Superparamagnetic polymeric nanoparticles (latex), 158.



E24.8th International Conference on European Magnetics Sensors & Actuators, EMSA’08, Caen, France (29 June-2 July 2008).


Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Oznur Karaagac, Turgut Meydan, “Composition and Substrate Induced Magnetic Anisotropy of Ni60Fe40 and Ni80Fe20 Films”, ref 0049.