Eserler Listesi Devamý |
Ali Karpuz, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Cu Concentration Effect on The Structural and Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Fecu Films", ref 0153.
Mehmet Bayirli, Hakan Kockar, Oznur Karaagac, “A New Approach For The Ferromagnetic Crystal Growth Based on The Diffusion Lýmýted Aggregatýon (DLA) Model Under Particles Hamýltonian”, ref 0121.
E25. “Turkish Physical Society 25th International Physics Congress”, Bodrum, Turkey (25-29 August 2008).
E. Gungor, H. Kockar and M. Alper “Characterisation of Ni-Co Films Electrodeposited at Different Deposition Potentials Levels”, 03_PB41.
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and M. Alper “Growth and Characterisation of Co-Cu Films ”, 03_PB45.
E. Ozergýn, H. Kockar, M. Alper and M. Uckun, “Production and Characterisation Of CoFeCu Magnetic Alloy Films”, 03_PB60.
O. Demirbas, M. Alper, H. Kockar, N. Nakýboglu, M. Uckun and M. C. Baykul “The Characterisation of Electrodeposited NiCoFe Alloy Films”, 03_PB94.
E26. “Joint European Magnetic Symposia ”, JEMS’08, Dublin, Ireland (14-19 September 2008).
Hakan Kockar, Elif Gungor, Mursel Alper, Turgut Meydan, “Substrate dependence of magnetic properties for iron thin films using VCP system”, MM054.
Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, Oznur Karaagac, Nuri Nakiboglu, M. Celalettin Baykul, Turgut Meydan, “Influence of electrolyte pH and deposition potentials on in-plane anisotropy of Ni films”, MM001.
Mehmet Bayirli, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “The growth mechanism of pattern formation in Ni-Cu films in two-dimensional space”, MM045.
Oznur Karaagac, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Effect of deposition potential on structural and magnetic properties of electrodeposited CoCu films”, MM025.
Turgut Sahin, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Structural and magnetic properties of CoFe alloy films electrodeposited at different pH levels”, MM016.
E27. “AMN4 Conference”, University of Otago, New Zealand, (08-12 February 2009).
S. Beyaz, T. Tanrisever, H. Kockar, “A novel way for the synthesis of superparamagnetic polymeric nanobeads.”
E28. “International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology”,ChinaNANO 2009, Beijing, China, China, (1-3 September 2009).
Hatice Yýldýrým, Seda Beyaz, Tugsen Aydemir, Feray Kockar, Taner Tanrisever, Hakan Kockar, “PMMA-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as a drug carrier system” Ali Karpuz, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “Ni-Co Films Grown at Dfferent Electrolyte pHs”
Seda Beyaz, Hakan Kockar, Taner Tanrisever, “Magnetic Properties of Superparamagnetic Polymeric Nanospheres Synthesised in a New Route of Emulsifier-Free Emulsion Polymerisation”
Turgut Sahin, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “The Effect of Fe Content: Characterizations of Electrodeposited CoxFe1-x Alloys”
Hilal Kuru, Hakan Kockar, Mürsel Alper, “Characterisations of Ni-Fe Thin Films Synthesised by Electrodeposition”
Ali Karpuz, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “Structural and Magnetic Properties of electrodeposited Ni-Co Films at Different Deposition Potentials”
Atakan Tekgül, Mürsel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “The effect of Fe content in Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers on Structural and Magnetoresistance Characterisations”
Oznur Karaagac, Seda Beyaz, Taner Tanrisever, Hakan Kockar, “Synthesis and Characterization of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Nanoparticles”
Oznur Karaagac, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Properties of Electrodeposited Co-Cu Films”
Seda Beyaz, Fatmahan Ozel, Taner Tanrisever and Hakan Kockar, “Effect of Solvents on Magnetite Nanoparticles by Thermal Decomposition Method”
Seda Beyaz, Taner Tanrisever, Hakan Kockar, “Effect of Magnetite Nanoparticles on Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanobeads”
Selma Sinan, Seda Beyaz, Seda Eryýlmaz, Dudu Demir, Hakan Kockar, Feray Kockar, Oktay Arslan, “Preparation and Characterization of Paraoxonase 1-bound Magnetic Nanoparticles”
E29. “19th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference”, SMM-19 Torino, Italy, (6-9 September 2009).
Seda Beyaz, Fatmahan Ozel, Hakan Kockar, Taner Tanrisever, “Effect of iron-oleate precursor on the magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles”
Ali Karpuz, Mursel Alper, Hakan Kockar, “Production and characterization of electrodeposited Fe-Cu films”
Oznur Karaagac, Seda Beyaz, Hakan Kockar, Taner Tanrisever, “Characterization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized in air atmosphere”
Oznur Karaagac, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “Microstructural and magnetic properties of electrodeposited CoxCu100-x films”
Turgut Sahin, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “Influence of the deposition potential on the properties of electrodeposited Co-Fe films”
E30. “Turkish Physical Society 26th International Physics Congress”, Bodrum, Turkey (24-27 September 2009).
A. Karpuz, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Structural Analysis of Iron-Copper Films”
A. Karpuz, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “An Investigation of Properties of Nickel-Cobalt Films
F. Ozel, H. Kockar, S.Beyaz and T. Tanrisever, “Superparamagnetic Nature of The Oleic Acid Adsorbed Iron Oxide Nanoparticles In Powder and Dispersed State”
H. Kuru, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Growth And Magnetoresýstýve Study of Electrodeposýted Nifecu Films”
H. Kuru, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Preparation of Ni-Cu Thin Films by Electrodeposition and Their Characterisations”
M. Bayirli and H. Kockar, “Analysis Of The Oriented Fractal Texture in Nickel Films at Different pH”
M. Uckun, M. Bayirli, H. Kockar, “Orman Alanýnda Bulunan Saydam Maddelerinin Yangýn Oluþturma Etkisinin Fiziksel Açýdan Ýncelenmesi”
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar, T. Tanrisever and S. Beyaz, “Synthesis Of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Nanoparticles And Their Characterizations”
O. Karaagac, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Electrodeposition of Ferromagnetic Cobalt Films”
T.Sahin, H. Kockar and M.Alper, “Magnetotransport Properties of Electordeposited Ni-Cu/Cu Multilayers”
T.Sahin, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Characterisations of Cobalt Films”
E31. “The electrochemical Society, 216th ECS Meeting”, Vienna, Austuria (04-09 October 2009).
H. Kuru, M. Alper, H. Koçkar, “ The Effect of Layer Thicknesses on Magnetoresistance in Electrodeposited NiFeCu/Cu Multilayers”
M. Safak, M. Alper and H. Kockar, “Dependence of Magnetoresistance in Electrodeposited CoNiCu/Cu Multilayers on Ni Composition”
E32. “International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM 2010I”, Antalya, Turkey (25-30 April 2010).
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and T. Tanrisever, “Synthesis of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles at Different Temperatures”
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “The Effect of Electrolyte pH on Electrodeposited Cobalt Films”
F. Ozel, S.Beyaz, H. Kockar, T. Tanrisever, “Understanding the Role of Egbe Solvent in the Thermal Decompositon of Iron-Oleate: From Low to High Oleic Acid Concentration”
E33. “6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NANOTR-VI”, Çeþme, Ýzmir, Turkey (15-18 June 2010).
Atakan Tekgül, Mürsel Alper, Hakan Kockar, Mürside (Safak) Haciismailoglu, “Oscillations in Magnetoresisitance of Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers”
E34. “Turkish Physical Society 27th International Physics Congress”, Istanbul, Turkey (14-17 September 2010).
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “In-plane Magnetic Anistropy in Electrodeposited Films”
E35. “International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism, ICNM-2010”, Gebze, Turkey (28 September-2 October 2010).
Y. Köseoðlu, F. Kurtuluþ, H. Kockar, H. Güler, O. Karaagac, S. Kazan and B. Aktaþ, “Magnetic Characterizations of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesised by A Simple Microwave-Assisted Method”
O. Karaagac, M. Bayirli, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Analyses of the Structure and the Magnetic Texture of Co-Cu Films”
O. Karaagac, H. Kockar and T. Tanrisever, “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”
M. S. Haciismailoglu, M.Alper, H. Kockar and O. Karaagac, “Variation of Properties of Electrodeposited Co/Cu Multilayers with Bilayer Number”
E36. “Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress”, Bodrum, Turkey (06-09 September 2011).
T. Ozbey, M. Bayirli, H. kockar, M. Alper, “Determination of Scaling Critical Exponents for the Statistical Analysis For in Nickel-Copper Deposits”
T. Ozbey, M. Bayirli, H. kockar, M. Alper, “Computation of Scaling Critical Exponents for Different pH Levels in the Nickel Electrodeposits”
E37. “20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference-SMM-20” Kos Island, Grece, (18-22 September 2011).
Karpuz A, Kockar H, Alper M, “Thickness Dependence of Ni-Co Films Grown by Electrodeposition”
Tekgul A, Alper M, Kockar H, “The Effect of CoFe Layer on Electrodeposited Cofe/Cu Multilayers”
Karpuz A, Kockar H, Alper M, Karaagac O, Haciismailoglu M, “Study of Ni-Co Films with Different Co Contents Obtained From Electrolytes Containing Different Cobalt Sulphate Concentrations”
Sahin T, Alper M, Kockar H, “Effect of Electrolyte pH on Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayer Films”
Karaagac O, Kockar H, “Co-Precipitation of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles: The Effect of [Fe+2]/[Fe+3] Ratio on Magnetic Properties”
Karaagac O, Kockar H, Alper M, “Magnetic and Structural Properties of Electrodeposited Cobalt Films: The Influence of Deposition Potentials”
Senturk E, Haciismailoglu M, Alper M, Kockar H, “Cu Layer Thickness Dependence of Magnetoresistance in Electrodeposited CoNi/Cu Multilayers”
Karaagac O, Ebin B, Kockar H, Gurmen S, “Preparation and Magnetic Characterization of Submicron Range Iron Spheres”
E38. “International Student Workshop on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics-ISWCMMP 11”, Antalya, Turkey, (27-31 December 2011).
Busra Bilir, Oznur Karaagac, Fatmahan Ozel, Hakan Kockar, “Synthesis Methods of Magnetic Nanoparticles”
E39. “3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism-ICSM2012”, Ýstanbul-Turkey, (29 April – 4 May 2012).
O. Karaagac, E. Ozergin, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Characterizations Of Electrodeposited Cofecu Films: The Effect Of Deposition Potential”
A. Karpuz, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Electrodeposited Ni-Co Films with Different Ni Contents: Characterization”
O. Karaagac and H. Kockar, “Influence of Reaction Time on the Properties of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”
O. Karaagac and H. Kockar, “Iron Particles Obtained from Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Hydrogen Reduction”
H. Kuru, O. Demirbas, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Role of Cathode Potential on Properties of Electrodeposited NiCoFe Films”
H. Kuru, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Structure and Magnetoresistance Characteristics of Electrodeposited NiCu/Cu Multilayers”
S. Kalsen, M. Alper, H. Köçkar, M. Hacýismailoðlu, O. Karaagac, H. Kuru, “The Effect of CoFeNi and Cu Layers Thicknesses on Electrodeposited CoFeNi/Cu Superlattices”
T. Sahin, H. Kockar and M. Alper, “Electrolyte pH Dependence of Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayer Films”
A. Tekgül, M. Alper, H. Köçkar and M. Hacýismailoðlu, “Magnetoresistance of Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers”
F. Ozel, H. Kockar, S. Beyaz, O. Karaagac and T. Tanrisever, “A Simple Synthesis of Oleic Acid Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”
E40. “19th International Symposium on Metastable amorphous and Nanostructured Materials-ISMANAM-2012”, Moscow-Rusia, (18-22 June 2012).
Hakan Kockar, Atakan Tekgul, Mursel Alper, “Magnetic Layer Thickness Effect on Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers”
Hakan Kockar, Sonser Kalsen, Mursel Alper, Murside Haciismailoglu, “The Effect of Variation of Ni Concentration on CoFeNi/Cu Superlattice”
Hakan Kockar, Hilal Kuru, Mursel Alper, “Characterization of NiCu/Cu Multilayers: Dependence of Ferromagnetic Layer Thickness”
Hakan Kockar, Ozen Demirbas, Hilal Kuru, Mursel Alper, “Electrolyte pH Dependence of Structural, Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Electrodeposited NiCoFe Films”
Oznur Karaagac, Ercument Ozergin, Hakan Kockar and Mursel Alper, “Effect of composition on the structure and properties of CoFeCu films”
Oznur Karaagac, Hakan Kockar, Burcak Ebin and Sebahattin Gurmen, “Iron particles: Reduction of iron oxide nanoparticles under different conditions”
Turgut Sahin, Hakan Kockar, Mursel Alper, “The Effect of Deposition Potential on Properties of Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers”